Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Moment of Thanks

Reading through the various accounts of the First Thanksgiving, I have to wonder again why we celebrate eating and food on this day. The pilgrims often had meals together and gave thanks for their blessings, driven strongly by their piety, hardships, and work ethic. The friendly Indians helped out to an extent so we like to think of the event as an ecumenical moment where we set aside differences and unify ourselves around the commonality of food. It makes for a touching moment with family that's for sure.

But why don't we celebrate the first log cabin? Or the first song? Or the first book? Or the first grandchild? Or the first fur cap or gloves? Why did we single out the meal as our Thanksgiving pinnacle? Why not the heater or air conditioner or rifle or flannel pajamas? There are so many events that we could have selected for Thanksgiving. The piano, the television, the cell phone, the clock, the porch swing, the dog and cat, the scarf, the shower, the bar of soap? Regardless, I am happy to celebrate the meal and to have a reason for a gathering of the family.

And I certainly celebrate the gathering of the Tucker family! There are 13 of us in Brownwood today and it is exciting to see the generations all in one locale. We are a strong, intelligent, creative bunch with doses of cynicism, sarcasm, wit, joy, lots of music, and spark. The spark is intensified by the proliferation of technological toys. We have them, use them, love them, and share ideas with them. Sitting near my fascinating brother, we carried on a conversation while looking at blogs, websites, emails, and texting others. It was a postmodern moment. Some might say it demonstrates the avoidance of interpersonal relationship building. But most who live in that world actually declare the opposite. Technology with its vast array of social networking availability has created a new level of interpersonal relationships undaunted by time or space.

Back to the family gathering around the table. I give thanks today for my family, for the many blessings of our lives, and for the technology that allows me to stay in touch with everyone at a moment's notice. Rather than resist the wireless world, let us embrace it and allow it to enhance our love for each other. Meanwhile, nearly time for turkey, cranberry sauce, dressing, rolls, tea, and lots of dessert. Excuse my Epicureanism but I think I'll treat myself well today. In truth my real treat comes from having my family around me.

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