Tuesday, November 16, 2010


As an Amazon book reviewer, I often receive requests from authors to review their books. I am willing to do so provided I am fairly caught up on my reading. Leaning on fiction with an occasional foray into history, it is unusual for me to read self-improvement books or books on management. Yet, about once or twice a year I like to keep up with the industry, not to mention the gain of new leadership ideas.

All this to say I recently read a book on management that I found very effective and gave me ideas to codify my own leadership style. Since this is a work in progress and I expect the list to change from experience, please do not forever hold me steadfast to this list. The chess game in my head is constantly reevaluating the next move, hoping to anticipate the response. Meanwhile, here we go: Rob's ten point management style. These are in no particular order (or rather the order changes depending on the situation).

1. Don't overreact to a problem or a criticism of anyone or anything
2. Listen thoughtfully and considerately to everyone
3. Be honest with people
4. Always expect a response to any decision made. Be prepared for the response you don't want, be happy when it is the response you do want.
5. Cast a broad, lofty vision for the program
6. Praise generously, criticize judiciously
7. Find ways to make others successful
8. Smile often and use humor often without insults or sarcasm
9. Walk around and stay personally in touch with others
10. Learn from mistakes and don't take it personally.

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