Saturday, January 03, 2009

Rob's auguries for 2009

I have written predictions before and usually remove them if and when they don't come true. Such will be the case with this one. Nevertheless, I feel led to offer some of my own thoughts for the future. These are in no particular order.

Public school teachers will receive a substantial pay raise and begin to be regarded for their hard work and impact they have on our society.

We will continue having major economic problems with the closing of small businesses and some shocking corruption discovered in large companies.

Higher education will continue to alter its face through greater technological advances including video enhanced online learning.

With these changes will come new degree programs and careers that didn't exist 10 years ago.

This is a good time for commodity speculating but beware of the quick spikes downward. Commodity trading is not for the faint of heart.

Rare book collecting will experience a surge in interest with values continuing to increase.

Sports figures and entertainers will see a small decline in salaries and support.

Major publishing houses will struggle and many will fold partly due to the ridiculous and inhibiting copyright laws that prevent creative intellectual development.

Here is an easy one: the Middle East countries will have further unrest.

Churches will need to alter their plan to survive with more small group experiences and experiments in worship practices including eclecticism in music.

The arts will experience a revival of sorts as people need more culture and less reliance on materialism.

The changes in the Tucker family situation will be fairly substantial with two graduations and the youngest driving.

Exercise and remaining healthy will become a necessity for everyone due to rising health care costs and inconvenience of medical problems.

Foster care, adult services, and attention on helping the disabled will take center stage in the media.

Counseling services will hit an all-time high in all ages with the rise in mental instability and personal problems throughout the country.

DNA research will reveal several important findings which will aid in preventing birth defects.

I will remain one of the few people I know with very little interest in the weather.

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