Monday, January 26, 2009

Protestant Church Music History. What next?

When facing philosophical or pragmatic dilemmas in either execution or content, it is usually beneficial to take a look at the past and determine how these problems were previously solved. Most issues today have in one form or another been dealt with by people before us, and it is more than a little arrogant to assume our problems are new and invented today. The ongoing battles in church music are not new to our generation and have continually eroded the strength of the church, resulting in factions, denominations, dogma, and bitter feelings between people and institutions. What is new, however, is the development of technology and the eclecticism that pervades our culture. Church music is not a simple subject matter and probably impossible to capsulize, given the expectations of many people. There is not an easy solution and time does not seem able to alleviate the ongoing concerns in this area. Normally, one could find answers from delving into history for truth; yet, as we do so, we find similar problems and once again no pat answer.

Before proceeding, it is necessary to note that as we examine churches today it is obvious that the church is well-fractured for a multitude of reasons from theological to application. With this disparity it must be mentioned that for many of our churches, history does indeed play an important role. Anglican, Roman Catholic, and liturgically based churches have the great benefit, should they choose to embrace it, of a strong historical tradition. While history does not always determine truth, it certainly is a starting point. Ironically, history also explains why history itself does not and cannot determine truth in church music for many mainline protestant denominations.

It is an oversimplification to point to one date or even time period as the beginning of the problems in church music, but there certainly is evidence linking today's complex issues back to the Reformation. Martin Luther was a musician with great respect for the arts and the role of the arts in churches. He spoke and wrote quite eloquently on the subject and remained a composer, performer throughout his career. Of great concern to Luther was the massive destruction of the arts in the Peasants War of 1524-25. This rather despicable event is unfortunately indicative of the pervading attitude found in many churches today and is manifested in the wildly divergent expectations of modern day church attenders. And while this may be one small but pointed example of the deterioration of the arts in mainline protestant churches, it is certainly prophetic and perhaps sadly realistic.

That said, all is not hopeless for mainline protestant churches. While we may not have an encompassing, nor consistently high art with beauty in the classic sense, we are not eradicating great art or music from our experience. We are simply redefining it. And in our seeking after definitions and truth in worship, we are unfortunately making some mistakes. Since history is one of if not the greatest teachers, it stands to reason that without a solid historical foundation of music, protestant churches can only keep trying to establish what works and what expresses God in the truest sense.

This is not to say there is a lack of musical wealth in Protestant history. Careful study reveals a rich tradition from the Wesleys to Isaac Watts and Lowell Mason, all music worth singing and all music deserving of its rightful place in worship. Yet, in spite of this truth, there seems to be a move away from this music, and a move toward an embracing of contemporary culture. Ironically, much of the old influences were considered wildly controversial in their day, with people questioning the new music and new texts. Similar to today, the past church music struggled to find its place, its own identity. History is kind to excellence and it will be so again.

I propose we continue to wade through the murky waters of church music today, seeking wisdom and seeking excellence. Time will demonstrate what lasts and what doesn't. Meanwhile, we trudge on, hoping to find the truth in the complexity known as worship.


Anonymous said...

i'm 60 yrs old, having studied traditional church music at the graduate level, yet i am deeply saddened that many churchgoers my age and older refuse to put the interests of others above their own, i.e., to welcome contemporary music into the church.

In I Corinthians Paul emphasizes the necessity of edifying all who participate in corporate worship. I see an application regarding music in the church: as long as the text of the contemporary songs is faithful to doctrine and Scripture, i can accept the "new" arrangements of pitch and rhythm, if only because those younger, yes, quite a bit younger, than I are familiar with it; it's the musical language they speak.

We don't require Christians to read the Bible in Hebrew and Greek. Why on earth should we force others to conform to a musical style they can't relate to?

I am heartbroken at the state of musical affairs in today's conservative evangelical churches.


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