Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Blogging Delinquency

Quit blogging for several months and now would like to get back into it. During the blogging hiatus, my blog acquired a redirected code from javascript that took me quite awhile to remove. I am not a coder and had a difficult time identifying the line with the flaw. But I learned several new things in the process about coding and computers and eventually removed the offending code.

It is Christmas season and with it comes lots of complexity, joys, and the occasional sadness associated with concern, depression, and loss. But even in those quiet reflections of darkness that somehow creep into our thoughts, trying and sometimes succeeding to pervade all emotions, the threat quickly dissipates as the joy of the season reigns victorious, dwelling in our hearts and expressed through sounds, music, and giving. Even the most jaded among us cannot squelch the smile when seeing the joy on a child's face or watching It's a Wonderful Life for the 50th time or laughing when Ralphie visits Santa on A Christmas Story.

Admittedly, the Christmas craze seems a bit much to me and I could do without the excessive decorating. I have little regard for Christmas lights, wreaths, ornaments, packages, scenes, or snowmen, and the color red seems to emanate everywhere I go, mixing in with everything I see. Scheduling meals, family times, travel plans, all these and more almost seem like burdens in their inception rather than experiencing the joy of the moment. It can make Christmas season exhausting physically and emotionally, draining the energy needed to go shopping, share in the excitement, and participate in the multitude of activities. Add all this to having some ill friends and knowing about several medical problems, and it could all be the onset of depression. Yet I battle the potential darkness and replace it with the light of the world. As Jim Cramer says, the best way to overcome those times of insecurity and doubt is to get up the next day and go to work. Keep the routine and make yourself accomplish something.

Of course the other side of the story is that in spite of the normal challenges of life, Christmas really is a blast. Lots of great music, choir concerts, band concerts, musicals, activity, food, lights, children, and many happy people everywhere I go. There is a feeling of lightness and joy mixed with anticipation of Santa gifts, stockings filled with great things, and meals together with the ones you love. All these and more make this time of year fun. So no more Grinch for me...time for me to enjoy it and be a part of the festivities!

Writing is a valuable tool of expression regardless of the decline of reading in our world. Plus I come from a family of writers with my brother achieving great success in the publishing world of books and essays. Writing helps clarify thoughts and allows us to centralize the complexity of jumbled events that sometimes seem overwhelming. Rather than allow events and emotions to pass by unrecorded, it is time again for me to put these in writing.

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