Sunday, July 03, 2011

Odds and Ends

Got up early and ran four miles this morning, but now am hurting some in the joints and muscles. It is that good kind of feeling of being sore but kind of physically productive at the same time. Running is liberating in many ways, outdoors, windy, primitive yet personal, and difficult without too much undue suffering. Yet, a physician mentioned this morning that running will inevitably harm the knees from the constant pounding. Makes me hesitate a little. Perhaps a few more years of this pounding and the knees will be okay. We'll see.

The church service was essentially patriotic this morning including Battle Hymn, National Anthem, Onward Christian Soldiers, and My Country Tis of Thee. The preacher spoke on our Christian and civic responsibility to society and to God, demonstrating through scripture God's reminders of our role as Christians. It all makes sense as we honor our country while giving thanks for the freedoms we enjoy. So why am I a little suspicious that we missed something today? Maybe it is my broad concern and question about people, believers, living in countries other than our own. It seems to be both arrogant and selfish to assume that we have it right, that our history did it all the right way, and we are doing everything correctly at the exclusion of other nationalities.

This is not to criticize our inherent patriotism, an essential ingredient in developing and maintaining national pride and dedication to democracy, but it is to question some of our assumptions that a militant Christianity is necessary for enjoying the privileges of living the way we do. It remains my contention that scripture, that all of Christianity, perhaps even all our lives, are about the Love of God and its working in the world. With love at the forefront, it makes war seem less ordained than previously suspected. Perhaps necessary at times but certainly not preferred, war and militance should never replace love and forgiveness--collectively or individually. With this conclusion, I find myself uncomfortable expending great energy singing about war regardless of its results. That said, I can never get enough study of American history and do indeed consider myself fortunate to live in this great land.

Reading Jeff Shaara's historical novel on the Mexican War. My namesake Robert E. Lee was an amazingly courageous and wise leader. But once again I am disappointed to learn how politics and political leaders often make decisions that hurt the individuals without any kind of help to the greater good. This is true regardless of which side of any war one studies.

Bored with discussions of the weather and wishing people could find more common ground in conversation than current climate conditions, it is true that the hot, extremely dry weather is contributing to our economic woes in this part of the world. The dangers of fires, the depleting drinking water, and the unplanted crops are playing havoc with our daily lives as well as the future. No matter how much technology improves our lives, without water we are nothing. Scary thought.

Proud of my son Jordan. He composed a beautiful piece for band called The Spirit Descending. It can be heard on youtube. A quick search for Jordan Tucker and The Spirit Descending will reveal a nice recording of the piece played by the top band at Howard Payne's Band Leadership Camp. Jordan is a remarkable talent with a bright future as a composer. It may be a tough road to "make it" but he certainly is capable.

Enough rambling for today. About to go hear Ken Medema who is giving a concert in Abilene. Wonderful pianist and vastly creative. Should be great!

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