Sunday, October 22, 2006


I am way behind on so many things that I do not have time to blog. So I am going to share snippets of information and wisdom to be extrapolated later.

1. The high school football scene is out of control for some people. I was shocked and appalled at a recent game to hear some of the most vicious iniquitous language directed towards referees, players, and coaches I have ever heard.

2. I am so proud of my children. They had a very successful musical weekend.

3. A good friend drove a long way to see me and deliver a gift. Friendship is a special gift in and of itself. It is very meaningful.

4. Being an administrator is a challenge. It is not possible to meet everyone's needs.

5. I love to blog, but need more time to do it well.


Anonymous said...

I have so little time to blog at the moment that I can only comment on your blog.
1) My children had a successful character building weekend.
2) I don't have many friends, just one.... or two. But that's all.
3) My church is about to lose a lot of young adults and it makes me sad and confused.
4) I poured concrete and lit my furnace in the last few days.

Landry, Renée, and Baby Girl!!! said...

I'm an awful blogger and for the very reason you said. Except maybe I might not even be a good one if I had the time! Oh no! What would become of me if that were true! Good thing I'll probably never find out...