Sunday, October 01, 2006

Abbreviated Vegetarian

It is over! I ended my commitment to being a vegetarian 9 months earlier than planned. It has been a sociological adventure more than a physical one. Let me explain.

On the physical side, at first I felt energized and fascinated with the vegan journey. I quickly noticed my internal system responding positively and my complexion becoming clearer and an unusual regulation to the inner machine (I don't think I need to elaborate on that). I also quickly learned how difficult it is to avoid all red meat at restaurants given that most dishes contain meat of some kind. At first, I missed those great moments of steak, hamburger, bacon, sausage, and even chicken (although I have never been a big chicken fan). But after a week or two, I no longer missed the meat and in fact found myself almost disgusted by the sight and smell of it.

A steady diet of salad, fruits, and vegetables was enjoyable (with the exception of the 200 blueberries I ate one evening--I couldn't seem to stop and became over-regulated for a brief time!) and relaxing. No fear of under-cooking or overcooking or grease or fat. Just nice, pleasant food grown out of God's green garden.

Yet time did not bear out my expectations. After approximately two months I found myself in a physical quandary. I was gaining weight, losing energy, retaining fluids, and feeling lousy. I read some information and discovered this was not an unusual result to a vegetarian diet and in fact was rather common. So it is over and I am now enjoying a balanced diet that includes some red meat mixed with fruits and vegetables.

But I did not experiment with vegetarianism for the physical benefits, instead I was curious as to the sociological responses. And I was not disappointed. I received many varied reactions to my vegetarian pronouncement. Most people questioned my motives--curious if I had become a liberal animal rights activist! Some people became immediately defensive as though I were judging them for eating meat. Most people looked at me quite oddly and wondered if I had lost my mind--was I really the same person or had something dramatic happened to the marbles in my head?

I temporarily broke the mold that had been established for me by my friends and acquaintances. I defied the label and left them guessing and questioning and strangely fearful that I had changed. I, of course, enjoyed this experience immensely and who knows, may experiment with something new again. Perhaps a nose ring would cause undue social reaction!

Meanwhile, I am reminded of the words of Aristotle: "Moderation in all things." This applies to many areas of life including food.


Anonymous said...

Yea, just in time for turkey, turkey and more turkey.

Landry, Renée, and Baby Girl!!! said...

Go there. Copy and paste, or whatever....

Que es bueno!

Out of curiousity, may I ask what made you decide to use my poem?

I'm uber excited about it!