Sunday, July 31, 2016

Thinking while Running

An average runner at best, I often find my most perceptive thoughts occur during the activity. If I could capture those fleeting thoughts I might could rule the world, or at least my own small corner! I run to stay in shape and keep the heart healthy but I also enjoy being outdoors and hearing the birds, the sound of the wind in the trees, and even the occasional car.

But I have become concerned with the trash left at the park. Noticing brand new trash cans strategically placed around the park, why do people not use them? It is very difficult for me to run by trash on the ground and not pick it up. So I have started doing that more often in spite of having to stop in order to pick up the trash. There really is no excuse for throwing cups, napkins, paper bags, food containers on the ground. Not necessarily an environmentalist, I still find it disgusting that people cannot respect nature enough to keep the trash off the ground. Walk over and put it in the nearby trash can.

Politics: Really seems to be a mess this election year. The distinctions between the two parties are not as clear as I remember from years ago. There was a time when the Democratic Party seemed to embrace a liberal concept of using tax dollars to equalize all people and provide opportunities for economic, personal, educational, and philosophical growth. While this is a noble position, it sometimes reeks of elitism. A few people making decisions they deem best for the whole. Kind of tastes bad in my mouth when I encounter the attitude. Yet Republicans once embraced the idea of opportunities for all without excessive government interference. Reduce the tax burden, lessen the role of the government, and encourage self reliance. Use public funds for defense but keep the economy healthy through fewer government programs. My libertarian side prefers the classic Republican position although my liberal, compassionate side questions the beneficial reality of such a platform. These issues make me a political moderate in general...a balanced view in my opinion although some might say it is called walking on a fence.

But I cannot see that distinction any more and it leaves me in a quandary. A champion for the underprivileged and the disabled in particular, I wonder which party and which candidate will serve that population the best...keeping in mind that government funding cannot and should not solve all problems. Which party exemplifies Christianity the most? Which will serve our nation the best? Which is the most honest, compassionate, sensitive to needs? Which will put an end to the violent madness that pervades our world? Not being an isolationist, I have this constant naive view that through education, tolerance, compassion, and global cooperation, we can one day end violence, poverty, and imperialistic driven pain.

Okay, enough of that. Plenty of fodder for further blogs but let's move on. Yesterday I stopped by a small Chinese food place for a bite. When I went to get napkins out of the dispenser, they were so tightly crammed into the dispenser that I had to maneuver around to get one out. Getting frustrated I ended up with about 12 in my hand after pulling hard. This makes no economic sense for the restaurant. Too many napkins in the dispenser actually results in excessive usage by patrons. A silly problem for sure. So to all fast food restaurants: Stop putting too many napkins in the napkin dispensers, you are not helping your bottom line at all.

Fast drivers: why do people get behind the wheel of a car and become maniacs? This morning while running, I had to jump on the grass two times due to the speed of the cars. My first thought was, "crazy kids," but then a closer look revealed middle-aged drivers. Just go the speed limit and all will be well. Oops...just revealed my liberal side. A true libertarian would say to get rid of the speed limits. But I really have no confidence that the world would be better without laws. Laws are there to provide equal protection and opportunity for all. Yet we have laws that are not followed. Obey the speed is there for a good reason: to protect runners!

I guess this is enough ranting for now. Thanks for listening.

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