Sunday, May 08, 2011

Supplementing the Rabbit Post

Two rabbits were frantically running, using their odd zig-zag motion of hopping quickly and deftly avoiding cactus, mesquite, and sharp boulders, when they spied a hollowed out log. Without hesitation, they got inside, knowing it was a matter of time before the pack of coyotes found them, yet confident the log would provide a temporary respite from the inevitable, but quite sad rabbit feast that would most likely occur pretty soon. As the loud, screaming coyotes gathered outside the log waiting for the rabbits to come out, the little rabbits had a discussion.

Rabbit One: I'm frightened and am not sure what to do.
Rabbit Two: The way I figure it, we have two choices.
Rabbit One: What are the choices?
Rabbit Two: We could try to outrun them or we can stay here until we outnumber them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rob, Rob, Rob.....

Too funny!