Sunday, April 03, 2011

Food, Glorious Food

One of my favorite musicals is Oliver. Every scene is special and emotionally gripping in some way. Quite a show and Ron Moody is absolutely amazing. In the opening, the orphans are in tattered work clothes and marching slowly to the meal, a bowl of gruel. Gruel is a soup looking creamy thing that sloshes around the bowl. Nothing substantial and obviously tasteless. As they march downward, they glance in the window at several overweight officials gorging themselves on meat, vegetables, and outrageous desserts. Very funny moment of great irony.

My tastes have changed. No longer does fast food interest me. The bread at various burger places tastes like soft vinyl, the meat like warmed up carpet squares, and the "fun" dessert drinks like cold cotton candy. Or one can try fast food tacos with cheese that tastes like newspaper, and shells like stale fritos. Or maybe some pizza from the massive pizza buffet. But wait? Is this plastic poured on cheap bread? Perhaps little chicken nuggets would suffice? But is it really chicken or little white balls of thread that somehow digest?

I have become a food snob. Some of this is due to having an amazing cook in the family--my wife. But some of it is due to being tired of cheap, processed food poorly flavored and guaranteed to leave a gut hanging over your belt. I find myself filling up on water so as to avoid the hungry feeling of wanting more. Satisfied with a fiber bar or some blueberries, I like to treat myself to an apple or some asparagus sprouts.

No I am not a vegan or whatever they are called. I simply no longer feel very good about running in a little fast food joint and eating the latest great combo deal with overly salted French fries and terrible tasting ketchup in little packages. All of it is just gross. My palate wants something better.

But I do love fish. A big piece of salmon grilled gently with butter, olive oil, and delicately spiced with thyme, garlic, lemon juice, and a splash of vinegar! Great stuff. Off-set with some high quality Gouda cheese and maybe some yogurt. Followed by a good cup of decaffeinated coffee. Now that is a meal.

Steak is good but it must be rare. Chicken is barely tolerable, and hamburgers almost not acceptable any longer. Mainly a nice mix of vegetables, fruit, and fish hits the spot every time.

Of course, not just food tastes have changed the last couple of years for me. I run consistently now. I prefer non-fiction over fiction, thrillers seem dull, television is a real sleeper, conversation should be directed and should avoid small-talk, never talk about the weather, and always seek opportunities to help others.

No more judging people unless they are hurting others in which case justice should be served. Leadership is about a broad, positive vision. Pray consistently and think logically. Don't let the negativity around you pull you down. Instead, exalt each other.

All these and more shape my world-view. What shapes yours?

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