The line extended down the hall and was growing quickly with many people holding a ticket to receive their free item. There was an animated conversational energy resulting from the recent experience and the anticipation of the upcoming reward combined together with a tinge of anxiety that there could be a limited supply of the gift. Heads far back down the line would rise up and lean forward or move side to side, craning to see how the line was doing, hoping to catch a glimpse of the arrival of more gifts. Foremost in everyone's mind, "I can't wait to receive something for nothing." Soon the fear was alleviated for down the other end of the hall, a worker in uniform came hurrying with a large box full of the free things for the well-deserving lot. A large sigh of relief and pleasure emitted from the growing line of people at the sight of the box filled with gifts for all with a ticket. It was a great moment.
I brought my family to the Gaylord Texan motel in Grapevine for a brief respite from the normal activities of home. It is a magnificent motel replete with Christmas decorations, restaurants, coffee shops, entertainment, shopping, swimming, exercise, and many other sundry experiences for all ages. While a bit costly for our budget, it was nice to be pampered and to experience the pleasures and glitz of a nice hotel. As we drove into the garage (no, we did not pay extra for valet parking), I noticed many expensive and new automobiles. Checking in, I looked around to see leather briefcases, $1000 suits, expensive dresses, polished pricey shoes, and sensed a typical confidence and air often found in people to whom money is not an object. People who do not necessarily worry from paycheck to paycheck and who do not hesitate to spend $30-$50 for a meal. I felt myself not fitting in with the crowd!
So great, that I noticed several people drop their's in the trash, and my gift is still sitting in our room unopened. I asked several people I did not know why they were excited about the gift. Some weren't sure, some said they liked this particular item, and one person was honest and said, "It is just fun to get something for free, no matter what it is."
Actually, I do like gingerbread cookies and this one is good. It is especially good that I received it for free. Now it is time to check out of our room and finish paying $225 for the room, $10 for parking, $20 each for the ICE, and $61 for our dinner last night. I am so glad to have the gingerbread cookie for free!