Wednesday, June 02, 2010

More random thoughts

My youngest son Jordan received a 1st division on his solo at the State solo/ensemble contest. It is a difficult contest and he played an excessively difficult piece-Parable by Persichetti. It is impressive for a junior to receive a first division at state, and he has continually progressed and improved to the point I believe he can become as good as he wants to be. Yet it is in the area of composition that he excels and demonstrates the greatest interest. On the other hand, composing is a tough road these days due to the plethora and eclectic music that pervades our culture.

Like everyone, I am totally disgusted with the ongoing saga of the oil spilling into the Gulf. This is a disaster that will likely affect the ecosystem for years to come. The environment is so incredibly interconnected that a change in the ocean will sympathetically cause a change in climate, germs, animals, not to mention the economy. We are a resilient people and the ecosystem will adjust, but not without pain. Very disturbing.

Church work is a tough gig. Yesterday at a funeral, a young lady wanted to sing with a track but unfortunately the CD did not function. She didn't get to sing at all. Technology causes problems and it is good to have a plan B. Meanwhile my church where I serve out of town is getting a little tougher. Some people are being critical of my choices of music. I work VERY hard to pick a balance of hymns, old choruses, gospel songs, and new choruses in an attempt to reach everyone. But there is always a risk then of offending everyone at least to an extent. Each of us has music preferences but in a collective worship service, we absolutely have to put aside our own preferences and think of the greater good.

I can handle criticism and have done so most of my career, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! Yet as I remind others, most criticism is overstated but most of it also has a grain of truth. The wise leader avoids over reacting but also tries to learn from the invective.

Sleep is often a mystery to me and I probably don't do it enough. We are told to get 7-8 hours yet 5 is common to me. I think I need to exercise more diligently and work on finishing my work each day so I don't go to sleep thinking about work. Also I think that getting older is presenting some challenges--sore heels, joints not moving as quickly, and a neck that needs additional support at night. Just common problems I suspect.

Sad about Al Gore and Tipper. No other thoughts than that I guess.

1 comment:

Petros said...

Perhaps Al Gore can now focus more on his alarmist, pseudo-science global warming propaganda.... Lets hope not though.