Saturday, July 26, 2008

Recent events

I have not blogged in a while due to being in Dallas for Baptist All-State. We are about to finish rehearsals and then head to Germany for the Baptist World Alliance Youth Congress. This will be my first trip overseas and I am very excited about the opportunity. Having my youngest son with me along with 109 other people just makes it all that much better.

Among the highlights of the trip will be visiting bookstores, music stores, and historical monuments including the church at Wittenburg where Martin Luther first nailed his 95 Theses. Mostly I am going to enjoy studying the culture, the people, the surroundings, and the myriad experiences of this trip. One can expect many blogs coming from my fingers!

Recently, I have been writing book reviews for Amazon and enjoying seeing other people benefitting from my reviews. In addition, I have accepted a writing position as a guest columnist with a new magazine. This is a quality publication that I anticipate will become quite popular over a period of time. It is strange and exhilarating to me that my life as a musician is beginning to extend to a being a writer. I can sense many similarities in the rise and fall, tension and repose, harmonic congruency, and contrapuntal juxtapositioning of words in relation to music. So I think I will embark on a writing journey to add my many other interests in life.

See you in a couple of weeks after I return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is to be noted that the writer of this blog is expected to live up to his genetic history of being a writer. His Dad was a prolific writer and his brother is a long published writer. Musicianship is also a genetic part of the past in the Tucker family. Even though genetics opens doors, the individual himself is a scholar; therefore, writing is second nature to this intellectual person. You go, Tucker guys!!